Comparison of collective Thomson scattering signals due to fast ions in ITER scenarios with fusion and auxiliary heating

Auxiliary heating such as neutral beam injection (NBI) and ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) will accelerate ions in ITER up to energies in the MeV range, i.e. energies which are also typical for alpha particles. Fast ions of any of these populations will elevate the collective Thomson scattering (CTS) signal for the proposed CTS diagnostic in ITER. It is of interest to determine the contributions of these fast ion populations to the CTS signal for large Doppler shifts of the scattered radiation since conclusions can mostly be drawn for the dominant contributor. In this study, distribution functions of fast ions generated by NBI and ICRH are calculated for a steady-state ITER burning plasma equilibrium with the ASCOT and PION codes, respectively. The parameters for the auxiliary heating systems correspond to the design currently foreseen for ITER. The geometry of the CTS system for ITER is chosen such that near perpendicular and near parallel velocity components are resolved. In the investigated ICRH scenario, waves at 50 MHz resonate with tritium at the second harmonic off-axis on the low field side. Effects of a minority heating scheme with 3He are also considered. CTS scattering functions for fast deuterons, fast tritons, fast 3He and the fusion born alphas are presented, revealing that fusion alphas dominate the measurable signal by an order of magnitude or more in the Doppler shift frequency ranges typical for fast ions. Hence the observable CTS signal can mostly be attributed to the alpha population in these frequency ranges. The exceptions are limited regions in space with some non-negligible signal due to beam ions or fast 3He which give rise to about 30% and 10–20% of the CTS signal, respectively. In turn, the dominance of the alpha contribution implies that the effects of other fast ion contributions will be difficult to observe by CTS.

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