State-of-the-art methods for multiphase flow pipelines
This report is the culmination of work on Design Methods for Multiphase Flow in Gas Pipelines'' sponsored by the Pipeline Research Committee of the American Gas Association on projects PR 172--609 and PR 172--904. Results from a series of projects to obtain pipeline data in the field, collect operating pipeline data, perform key laboratory experiments at prototypical conditions (large pipe size and high gas density), and to develop and recommend design methods over the past several years have been synthesized to create this report. Technical supervision of these projects has been provided by the Two-Phase Flow Supervisory Committee. This report concisely documents the state of the art in two-phase flow methods, in a manner suitable for use by analysts who want to develop computerized methods to perform the multiphase calculations. This document updates a previous report prepared approximately four years ago (Crowley and Rothe, 1986). Detailed background discussion of the development and selection of the multiphase models is presented in Volume 3 of that reference.