Building a Database for the LHC – the Exabyte Challenge

CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, is currently building a new accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Scheduled to enter operation in 2005, the experiments at the LHC will generate some 5PB of data per year with data rates ranging from 100MB to 1.5GB per second. Data taking is expected to last 15 or more years, leading to a total data sample of some 100PB. Designing a system that can handle such enormous data volumes implies a solution that can theoretically handle at least one order of magnitude more data than is currently anticipated, namely 1EB (exabyte). Although the production phase of the LHC is still in the distant future, elements of the proposed system have been used in physics experiments at CERN since 1996. In addition, a number of preLHC experiments, both at CERN and at other laboratories including SLAC in the US, have adopted the strategy described below. We expect some tens of TB to be stored during 1998 (CERN-NA45) and a few hundred TB per year in 1999 and beyond (the COMPASS experiment at CERN and the BaBar experiment at SLAC). A strong goal of the project is to use standard, commodity solutions wherever possible. We describe the progress on the project to date, the standards and solutions that are currently being used, performance and scalability measurements as well as plans for the future. Further information on this project may be found via via the link Research and Development and then RD45.