Attitude change in preventing traffic accidents

An overview is given of the main models used as basis for the creation and application of programmes for safe mobility, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. It is shown that the contributions from the attitude change model applied to the prevention of traffic accidents aim to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing programmes. Criteria for the creation and application of programmes to different groups (according to the stage of development and the vehicle used) and the results obtained are described. It is concluded that the application of the attitude change model to developmental stages, situations of risk, vehicles used, traffic offences and professional drivers related to the transport of goods and persons by road, shows that the attitude change model applied in live phases, and according to the results, is effective. The methodology of the attitude change model enables to advance in achieving the 5 levels established by the "Goals for Driver Education" (GDE) European matrix, promoted by the European Commission in the framework of European road safety policies for 2011-2012 (European Commission, 2010) and seek comparative elements with other countries that apply this matrix or use elements like this which help to optimize the educational actions to reduce the accident rate in the framework of a global reference strategy.