Neutron cross sections: Volume 2, Neutron cross section curves

Data is presented only for total (i.e., integrated) reaction cross sections (and related fission parameters) as a function of incident-neutron energy. The energy range has been limited to 0.01 eV to 200 MeV in order to exclude crystalline and magnetic effects for slow neutrons and relativistic effects for high energy neutrons. Angular distributions and partial reaction cross sections to specific excited states are not included. However, isometric state production cross sections have been included for isometric states with a half-life > 1 sec. Data which have been measured for a broad incident-neutron spectrum, e.g., Maxwellian are not included. A list of the reaction types included in this volume is given at the end of this section. Sums and ratios of specific reactions are not included (e.g., {sigma}{sub n,np+n,d} or {sup 235}U {sigma}{sub n,f}/{sup 239}Pu {sigma}{sub n,f}). A table of references to data for energies greater than 200 MeV is given in Appendix A. In this volume, the data have been grouped into sections corresponding to the element of the target nucleus in the neutron-induced reaction. These sections are ordered in increasing atomic number (Z). Within a section, graphical data are presented for the natural element followed by the isotopes ofmore » that element in order of increasing atomic mass (A). The bibliographic pages follow at the end of each section.« less