Registry system and management method for by using uddi web service based on the ebxml registry

The invention of the first client system that relates to the UDDI Web services registry system and its management method based on the ebXML Registry, in particular the system of the present invention supports Web services based on UDDI protocol, and send and receive UDDI messages, a UDDI registry to process it according to the UDDI message within the service request, support for Web services based on ebXML protocols and ebXML registry to process them in accordance with the second client system, ebXML messages within the service requirement for transmitting and receiving ebXML messages and, converting a UDDI message as a data message that will be compatible ebXML provided with a UDDI service module for transmission to the ebXML registry. Therefore, the cost-saving because you can build e- business systems and Web services for use in areas that require the two functions of the Web service is one of consistency in information management to manage by the same Web service information into one system to be maintained.