A influência dos stakeholders na gestão sustentável por meio da produção mais limpa e da logística reversa: estudo de caso

For the social and environmental management practice to occur in companies, it is crucial to have a better understanding of the environment and its various relations. His comprehension is possible through the identification of the various targets –the so called stakeholders – and of the favorable tools to these relations. Starting from his point, the aim of this article is to visualize the organizational environment through the approaches proposed by Lyra (2009), Chiavenato and Sapiro (2009), and thus analyse how this view can contribute for the Cleaner Project and the Reverse Logistics. This is na exploratory study and uses qualitative analysis. Since it is a studycase, it is based in theorical concepts taken from books and magazines about such subjct. This study made possible to confirm the competitive advantage in considering the satkeholders and environmental issues in the management of the company. As a contribution, it can be noted that this work brings a better view of the process and stands for the desire of continual improvement as factors who lead to the growth in the Market and social-environmental actions.