Rule Modeling and Interchange

This paper is a brief survey on the topic of rule modeling and rule interoperability. A framework focusing on the first two levels of the MDA (that is, on business/domain models and on logical design models) is described. Rules are modeled either in natural language (ACE) or by means of a visual language (VRML). The interoperability layer is performed by R2ML an XML markup for rules. OMG has defined a markup language for UML models but this language does not markup embedded integrity constraints expressed in OCL. VRML is designed to cover this lack of representation. R2ML follows principles initiated in RuleML but, despite RuleML, it performs the on- tological distinction between objects and data values. Also, by its rich syntax, it allows structure-preserving markup and does not force users to translate their rule expressions into a different language paradigm such as having to transform a derivation rule into a FOL axiom, an EC A rule into a production rule, a function into a predicate, or a typed atom into an untyped atom.