Fecal‐Coliform‐Organism Medium for the Membrane Filter Technique

followed by MF transfer to a modified MacConkey broth for incubation at 44° C for 16 hr. The fecal-coliformorganism colonies were differentiated from other organisms by their yellow color. Delaney, McCarthy, and Grasso 7 reported success with a tryptose bile agar medium (TBA) combined with an indol test. In this me hod, the MF is placed on the TBA medium and incubated 20-24 hr at 44.5 °C; thereupon, the MF is transfe red to an absorbent pad saturated with indol reagent. The Esch. coli Type I colony becomes a dark-red color upon reaction with this reagent. The necessity of either an incubation temperature transfer or an indol reagent test transfer has been a handicap to field laboratory investigations. Recently, a method has been developed that allows the direct quantitative enumeration of the fecal-coliform-