Involving citizens in sustainable development: Scenario workshop on sustainable mobility

The scenario workshop is an example of the Scandinavian tradition of citizen involvement. The method is a mix of scenario and workshop. Scenarios produced by experts (scientists) are presented to a local community in a workshop lasting two to three days during which local participants produce criticism, debate and plans for community action. The method, originally used to actively involve citizens in the development of environmentally sustainable cities in Denmark, is now in use throughout Europe, as the various EU directorates have become very aware of their usefulness. A method has now been generated at the Copenhagen Business School for the field of transport. Four transport scenarios were generated relating to post-Fordist production systems, transport and the concept of sustainable mobility. They are to be presented in a transport-intensive region of Denmark to analyse barriers against environmentally induced adjustments to the transport sector and to find new solutions to the dilemma by creating dialogue between planners, politicians and transport managers.