Digital filters for gene prediction applications
It ha been obsrrved by- many researchers that tlic protcin-coding rogions of DNA sequences exhibit a period4 behavior due t,o cudon structure. Identification of the period-9 regions helps in t,he gene loca- t,ions. and in fact, allows t,hc predict,ion of spccific exons within the genes of eucaryotic. cells. Traditiorial1.v these rvgions arc ident,ified wit,)) tk: hclp of t.echniques snrh aa t,he windom~ed DFT. In this paper we consider tlie me of (:fficierit digital filters for t,hc smie pi~rpose. The filtms can tic &signed not only to extrxt the period-3 nmponent, but. at thr smnc time rtFectivelg cliininate the backgroiind I/ f spectrum exhibit,ed by nearly all DNA ~rqiiences.~
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