Les structures énumératives à deux temps
This paper deals with two-step enumerative structures. These textual objects are composed of a classic enumerative structure and a thematic enumeration elaborating on two or more noun phrases of the previous enumerative structure. – The components of a classic enumerative structure, an introductory sentence, co-items, and a closure are well-documented in the literature, whereas this is not true of two-step enumerative structures. We deal here with those composed of a classic enumeration (first step), a thematic enumeration, whose co-items are markers of thematization, and a closure (second step). – Analysis shows that the enumerable in the first step is either textually realized or is not, which modifies the role and nature of the co-items in the enumerative structure : when the enumerable is textually realized, the latter are exemplar co-items ; when the enumerable is not textually realized, they are landmark co-items.