Shared reflex pathways from Ib tendon organ afferents and Ia muscle spindle afferents in the cat.

The possibility was investigated that group Ia muscle spindle afferents and group Ib tendon organ afferents influence spinal motoneurones via shared neuronal pathways. Mutual facilitation of actions of these afferents at a premotoneuronal level has been taken as evidence that they use the same interneurones to evoke post‐synaptic potentials (p.s.p.s) in motoneurones. Inhibitory p.s.p.s (i.p.s.p.s) or excitatory p.s.p.s (e.p.s.p.s) were evoked in motoneurones by selective activation of group Ia afferents or group Ib afferents. P.s.p.s following stimulation of both Ia and Ib afferents were then compared with the arithmetic sum of p.s.p.s evoked by each of them separately. When the former were larger the difference was used as a measure of synaptic actions mediated by interneurones co‐excited by Ia and Ib afferents. Both excitatory and inhibitory pathways to motoneurones have been found to be shared by Ia and Ib afferents, although the proportion of interneurones actually used in common by these afferents could not be established. The latencies of post‐synaptic actions mediated by such interneurones indicated that they were evoked disynaptically or trisynaptically. The study leads to two main conclusions: that group Ia muscle spindle afferents, and in consequence also fusimotor systems, may modulate the reflex action of tendon organs, and that the two groups of afferents are a source of information in a common feed‐back system.

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