[Functional organization of prophage and lysogeny in Erwinia carotovora with participation of a temperate bacteriophage ZF40].

Functional organization of a prophage of the temperate bacteriophage ZF40 of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora which includes its immunity and inducibility as well as its effect on the host phenotype. It was established that the prophage ZF40 forms several different states in E. carotovora which are distinguished by the indices of spontaneous and lysogenic induction. In contrast to other prophages, including the lambdoid ones, the prophage ZF40 is capable to establish cytoplasmic overimmunity which protects the lysogenic system from superinfection by virulent mutants or other homoimmune bacteriophages. An increase of sensitivity of ZF40-lysogens to killing activity of colicino-like carotovoricin (CCTV) and destabilization of defective lysogeny, or resistant MCTV-prophages are related to the phenomenon of the phage lysogenic conversion of E. carotovora.