Lightweight Personalization of XML E-learning Materials
Nowadays, high quality e-learning materials do not only have to
provide high quality content, but must be also highly
personalizable, in terms of the view and content, as well as
the abilities and preferences of the client (reader, student).
This paper offers several lightweight easy to use XSLT-based
solutions suitable for customizing and personalizing of both
content and the presentation of e-learning materials based on
XML sources. These solutions can be easily used as a part of a
complex legacy LMS or they can be used independently wherever
the basic XML related tools (like XML parser and XSLT engine)
are available. This makes the proposed solution more generally
applicable in contrast with legacy heavyweight web-based
server-side presentation solutions like Apache Cocoon. The
presumed domain of application of the proposed solutions are
web-based Learning Management System (LMS) but it can be well
used in any other kind of LMS - in either online, offline or
combined systems.