A comparative overview of the evolution of land information systems in Central Europe

Since the PHARE Programme of the European Union started in 1990, substantial support has been given for the modernization of land information systems in different countries in Central Europe. The land information systems comprise mainly the cadastral systems and the 1:10,000 (digital) mapping programs. After five years the PHARE Programme was renewed and multi-annual indicative programs for the coming five years were developed for the different countries. The cadastre programs were also evaluated in this respect. The author was requested to carry out strategic review studies for cadastral systems/land registrations in various countries. A comparison will be made between the developments in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovak Republic with special emphasis on the organization of the cadastral systems and the process of privatization of land and property in those countries. Because of the strong impact of the history and its political implications for Land Information Systems, this contribution starts with a historic overview from the beginning of this century.