한국 애니메이션 스토리텔링 전략 연구

This paper aims at understanding storytelling strategy"s result and limitation based on Korean animation released since 1990 and researching storytelling strategy of Korean animation productively, as enhancing the practical argument based on it. That is due to the fact storytelling strategy, which can revitalize enjoyment, is a keyword to enhance stagnant Korean animation, assuming discriminative disposition of animation storytelling and each specific quality by medium. Based on specific character of animation, for reflecting various part of it effectively, and approaching it strategically, I subdivided the argument and tried to research the storytelling strategy of Korean animation released since 1990 by from followed 4 angles. 1) Developing the original source of animation storytelling. 2) Strategy to adapt animation storytelling. 3) Animation storytelling strategy 4) Animation storytelling literacy. Followed are also necessities for storytelling strategy of Korean animation to be prosperous in more productive condition. 1) Understanding animation storytelling discriminately. 2) Trying to actualize enjoyment with storytelling, 3) Planning appropriate storytelling strategy discriminately by medium such as for TV, or theater. 4) Constructing organic system such as source development, adapting to each genre, strategy to realize, and literacy. 5) Planning storytelling to enhance parallel and vertical One Source Multi Use. Based on practical strategy of animation storytelling, micro strategy should be discussed so concretely, while researching genre, medium, and enjoyer.