A distributed real‐time operating system, Fados, has been developed for an embedded multiprocessor system. The operating system is based on a host‐target approach and provides for communication between arbitrary processes on host and target machines. The facilities offered are, apart from process communication, access to the file system on the host by programs on the target machine and monitoring and debugging of programs on the target machine from the host. The process communication has been designed in such a way that the possibilities are the same as those offered by the Ada programming language. The operating system is implemented on an MC 68000 based multiprocessor system in combination with a Unix Unix is a trademark of A. T. & T. Bell laboratories. host.
Per Brinch Hansen,et al.
The programming language Concurrent Pascal
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
L O Hertzberger,et al.
The Fast Amsterdam Multiprocessor (FAMP) system
W. Morven Gentleman,et al.
Message passing between sequential processes: The reply primitive and the administrator concept
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Marvin H. Solomon,et al.
The Roscoe distributed operating system
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Jim Welsh,et al.
A comparative study of task communication in ada
Softw. Pract. Exp..
Henry Ledgard,et al.
Reference Manual for the ADA® Programming Language
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