Hysteresis is basically a circuit nonideality but in some applications it is used to prevent the comparator's outputs from toggling back and forth between logic levels when solving small inputs in noisy environments. This paper presents an enhanced latch comparator where hysteresis can be handled and adjusted to specific values. A frequency domain analysis of the latch comparator operating at the beginning of the comparison process is performed and has shown to be efficient in predicting hysteresis and circuit behavior at high clock frequencies. In the light of the predicted features, a new latch comparator has been proposed to enhance hysteresis and speed and was designed using a commercially available 0.18μm CMOS technology. It operates under a power supply of 1.8 V, with a clock frequency of 800MHz and consumes an average power of about 90μW. Compared to the common basic structure when considering a 1.4mV hysteresis, simulation results of the proposed comparator have shown that hysteresis can be easily adjusted to about 300μν without trading design complexity or time delays.
Pierluigi Nuzzo,et al.
Noise Analysis of Regenerative Comparators for Reconfigurable ADC Architectures
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.
T. Hui Teo,et al.
A low-power comparator with programmable hysteresis level for blood pressure peak detection
TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference.
Li Li,et al.
A novel low-offset dynamic comparator for sub-1-V pipeline ADCs
C.-J. Richard Shi,et al.
A sub-nW mV-range programmable threshold comparator for near-zero-energy sensing
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).
Jeremy Holleman,et al.
A Low-Power High-Precision Comparator With Time-Domain Bulk-Tuned Offset Cancellation
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.
T. Nirschl,et al.
Yield and speed optimization of a latch-type voltage sense amplifier
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.