`Arad'—A New Avocado Cultivar

line along some of the fruits. The fruit weight is 180 to 480 g (averaging 300 g), depending on the crop load and harvest season. The fruit stalk is medium and attached slightly off-center. Fruit can be harvested without the stem (snapped) with no damage to the pericarp. The ripe fruit remains green. The leathery peel separates easily from the fl esh and is of medium thickness (like ‘Fuerte’). The seed is slightly elongated, small in size, about 8% to 10% of the fruit weight. The fl esh is yellow with a green rim, without fi bers and with a good buttery fl avor. The harvest season is from January to April (similar to ‘Fuerte’). Based on preliminary experiments at the Department of Postharvest Science at the Volcani Center, ‘Arad’ can be stored four weeks at 5C and 95% RH with no defects or rot. Some rottenness and internal pulp browning is detected towards the end of the harvest season. Rottenness was observed both at room temperature and after cold