Temperatura corporal de frangos de corte em diferentes sistemas de climatização

The effect of different thermal control systems on broiler body temperature was evaluated in 610 female broiler chickens, Cobb breed, housed in 10 small scale of aviaries models (treatments). Climate data were collected inside the models and were used to calculate the Thermal Heat Load (THL). Bird surface and rectal temperature were recorded to calculate average body temperature (ABT). Data were always collected from 1:00 and 2:00 pm, the hour of maximum THL inside models. The treatments consisted of a factorial 2 × 5 (two orientations and five models of thermal control) and were analyzed as a randomized blocks design, where the days were blocking criteria. Environment and body temperature data were statically analyzed by Duncan test, with 5% of probability level. The use of forced ventilation associated to misting nozzles improved thermal behavior of the buildings resulting in better broilers physiological conditions. The adequate utilization of thermal control equipments allows to raise broiler chicks in houses with different solar orientation.