전자무역 네트워크에서 수출입 e-logistics 체계구축에 관한 연구
Korean government and trade-related bodies in Korea have made various efforts to vitalize e- Trade due to rapid Information technology's growth and telecommunications' development Under the this circumstance, in order to promote e-trade & Export-Import e-Logistics Information System, it is essential to constructive process such as connecting systems among trade & logistics related parties. therefore, this paper attempts to investigate problems of current Export-Import e-logistics system and draw suggestions the application strategies of Export-Import e-logistics on the e-trade system. At this point of view, after this study has examined the process of e-trade and the status of Export-Import e-Logistics system, it draw several key obstacle problems related with Export-Import e-logistics considering the current e-trade system. On the basis of the theoretical study, this paper classified the problems into several fields, which are connection with separated Export-Import e-Logistics Information System, e-logistics information standardization. the collaboration of shipper-liner-freight forward