The Revitalization Schemes for Virtual Communities in Apartment Complex II - Residents' Needs of the Virtual Community Contents in Apartment Complex -

With the development of the internet and the spread of 'digital home', apartment houses equipped with the homepages connecting apartment houses as one cyberspace unit have increased. The virtual community with a homepage in apartment complex have improved the effect on management businesses in the side of a apartment manager and increased the importance of the space with a strong tie between residents in the side of residents. But the apartment residents didn't make full use of the virtual community because they have the low level of recognition of it. Therefore, this study attempted to present basic materials for the scheme to revitalize the virtual community. For this purpose, it attempted to find residents' recognition of and participation in the virtual community and demand for the classified contents conducted before this study. In the research method, it conducted the questionnaire research. The results are as follows. 1) First of all, It was found that the apartment residents had the low level of recognition of the virtual community. There was a significant difference according to the degree and the level of using the internet. Some easy-access programs are necessary. 2) The apartment residents took part in the virtual community about 67 percents because there was a lack of the public relation of the virtual community. 3) It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between the level of recognition and participation. 4) An attempt was made to identify the apartment residents' demand for the type of virtual community contents. It was found that most of contents were needed. 'apartment complex introduction and management information' showed the highest score among them. 5) Most respondents are affirmative to the virtual community. Therefore the residential community could be reinforced if the contents of virtual community is developed and well operated in the future.