Development of Design Technology for Safety Enhancement of Damaged Ship
AbstractLoss of human lives and properties including environmental dama ge due to large scale accidents requires change of our perception to marine saf ety. IMO is trying to re-establish overall marine safety system through long term plan such as GBS. Along this line, current regulation based safety evaluation is in pro cess of changing into performance based methods, and for this transition, simulation based safety evaluation during design stage considering damage is highly necessary. In this paper, first, damage scenario is developed from IMO regulations and accident case studies. Then an integrated and simulation based safety evaluation prototype system considering both damage stability and structural safety is developed for the use during ship design process. ※Keywords: Marine accident(해양사고), Damaged ship(손상선박), Safety as sessment(안전성평가), Design technology(설계기술), Compartment modification(구획변경) 1. 서론 해양사고를 방지하고 해양사고로부터 인명과 재산 및 환경보호를 위한 각종 노력이 국제해사기구 접수일: 2008년 2월 25일, 승인일: 2009년 1월 13일✝교신저자:, 042-868-7222