Gerenciamento de riscos na cadeia agroindustrial de frango: análise da perspectiva dos avicultores em Ubá, Minas Gerais

The broiler agro industrial chain is very important for Brazilian agribusiness. Despite employing vertical integration to coordinate its supply chain, risks events are inherent and can influence its operation and performance. This paper aims to identify risks that impact negatively on broiler chain, analyzing the perspective of producers from Uba City, in Minas Gerais, as well as to identify which strategies are being used in this chain for mitigating them.A literature review to identify the main risks inherent to this chain was executed, followed by the application of a questionnaire answered by the producers. Lastly, an in-depth interview was done to understand the responses and to identify some mitigation strategies adopted in this chain. It was analyzed that more impactful risks in the broiler chain, according to producers’ perspective, was temperature increase, price received by the producer and risk related to investment. Less important risks were road conditions, contamination of animal´s food and increase in the price of chicken meat. It was also found that many of the risks identified in this research have already mitigation strategies, mainly by the use of new technologies and equipment.