Development of Solar Daylighting System Using Parabolic Mirrors

Abstract We developed a parabolic reflector based daylighting system which can be used as an alternative indoor daytime lighting device such as for fluorescent lamps. The system comprises three main components : a daylight concentrator made of 4 pairs of parabolic reflectors and mirrors, a silica optical fiber bundle based light transmitter, and 4 light diffusers forthe final indoor delivery of the collected daylight. We analyzed the performance of the system and revealed the system efficiency and daylighting factor. All test methods follow the rule, NR PV601 : 2007-daylighting system, governed by KoreaEnergy Management Corporation. Key words Daylighting system(집광채광시스템), Parabolic mirrors(포물면 집광거울), Optical fiber(광섬유), System efficiency(시스템효율), Interior average illuminance(실내평균조도)†Corresponding author, E-mail: Fig. 2 Construction of system. 1. 서 론 태양광 활용기술은 에너지절감, 급속한 경제사회의 발전으로 인한 환경오염과 초고층 건축으로 인한 고도화, 밀집화에 따른 지하공간의 활용성을 높일 수 있는 기술로, 국내 건축물의 소비에너지 총량 중 20 ~