Cosmic-ray tomography is an effective non- destructive technology which was originally developed to detect high-Z nuclear materials. Further research showed that after taking part in soft cosmic ray (such as electrons), this technology can discriminate medium- and low-Z materials, but presenting poor material resolution. In order to fight against smuggling and seizing hazardous goods, it’s significant to improve the material resolutionof medium- and low-Z materials. In this paper, we propose an X-ray & cosmic-raycombined dual-model reconstruction approach. X-ray system obtainstransparency, structure and height information of the inspected vehicle/container, then cosmic ray tomography system reconstructs image using both cosmic-ray and X-ray information, where thecargo transparency value helps to divide different Z regions, structure determines the location of stopping effect, andmaterial thickness improves the calculations of stopping power and scattering density. Geant4 simulation program and ROC (receiver operating characteristic) analysis are used to validate the proposed approach. Results show that in 1 minute’s inspection time, the dual-model reconstruction approach can achieve detection rate of above 65%, with AUC (the area under the ROC curve) value of higher than 0.75, much better than those of standalone cosmic-ray approach by 30% and 0.46. The dual- model reconstruction approach can effectively enhance the classification ability of medium- and low-Zmaterials.
Jianping Cheng,et al.
The cosmic ray muon tomography facility based on large scale MRPC detectors
Sankaran Kumar,et al.
Material discrimination using scattering and stopping of cosmic ray muons and electrons: Differentiating heavier from lighter metals as well as low-atomic weight materials
N. Hengartner,et al.
Soft cosmic ray tomography for detection of explosives
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC).
Konstantin N. Borozdin,et al.
Image Reconstruction and Material Z Discrimination via Cosmic Ray Muon Radiography.
Dufan Wu,et al.
Preliminary analysis of imaging performance in cosmic-ray muon radiography
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC).
Guobao Wang,et al.
Bayesian Image Reconstruction for Improving Detection Performance of Muon Tomography
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.