Planning And Design Of Irrigation System For A Farm In Tanjavur By Using Remote Sensing

Volume 5, Issue 3, May – June 2016 Page 135 Abstract A methodology was developed using a Remote Sensing to select, design, install and manage an irrigation system for a farm. Remote Sensing was used to develop different thematic layers, each consisting of a particular attribute required for analysis of alternative irrigation system types. These layers included data such as: topography, soil texture, soil water retention, bulk density, infiltration rate of water and field drainage system. These layers were used with water availability and water demand to design and plan the farm irrigation systems. A case study for blueberry orchards with drip irrigation was developed. The Remote Sensing facilitated irrigation planning, although additionally AUTOCAD was used to design the irrigation method. Remote Sensing was found to be a useful tool for a general farm planning analysis. Our study area is Tanjavur which plays vital role in water source for agriculture. Irrigation system in Tanjavur is very essential to develop to accumulate the water sources.