Innovative Designs for Magneto-Rheological Dampers

x List of Figures x List of Tables x Chapter 1: Introduction x 1.1 Overview of Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid Devices x 1.2 Project Objectives x 1.3 Approach x Chapter 2: Background x 2.1 MR Fluids x 2.2 MR Devices x 2.3 MR Dampers x Chapter 3: Design of MR Dampers for Vehicle Applications x 3.1 Monotube MR Dampers x 3.2 Twin Tube MR Dampers x 3.3 Performance of MR Dampers x Chapter 4: MR Damper Design for Gun Recoil Control x Chapter 5: Hybrid MR Dampers x Chapter 6: Concluding Remarks x 6.1 Summary x 6.2 Recommendations x Appendix A: (Title to Be Determined) x Appendix B: Drawings x References x