Prediction of lifetime performance traits by principal component analysis in Jersey crossbred cattle at an organized farm of eastern India

Data on first lactation traits viz. peak yield, 305 days milk yield, milk yield per day of lactation length and total milk yield per day of calving interval were used for prediction of lifetime milk yield (LTMY) upto 4th lactation in Jersey crossbred animals maintained at the organized herd of the Eastern Regional Station, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal using principal component analysis (PCA). The evolved equation, LTMY4 = 2400.56** + 0.698**PC could explain 48.8% variation in the estimated values with adjusted R2 = 48.5%. Early selection of Jersey crossbred cattle based on first lactation records can be done with the help of predicted equation. The study also revealed that factor extracted could be used in breeding programs with sufficient reduction in the number of first lactation traits to be recorded for explanation of maximum variability for prediction of lifetime performance traits in Jersey crossbred cattle.