Mechanisms of Na+ Uptake by Plant Cells

Soil salinity affects vast areas of land globally, with a particularly high impact in some agricultural intensively used soils due to irrigation practice. A diverse range of plants is able to thrive on saline soils but all major crop species are intolerant to salt. Identification of pathways for Na + transport across plant cell membranes has been highlighted as comprising a key gap in our understanding of salt tolerance in plants. During the last few years there have, however, been remarkable advances in this area as Na + permeable ion channels in plant cells have been characterized. This review summarizes the present knowledge regarding Na + transport pathways across plant membranes. In particular, data on selectivity, conductance, abundance and regulation of the major cation uptake channel types have been collected and this information has been integrated into a simple model in order to address the following questions: (i) how much Na + enters the cell through an ensemble of different channel types in saline conditions? (ii) what is the relative contribution of each channel type to the total Na + inward current? (iii) how does modulation of the activity of the different channel types affect the ability of the plasma membrane to discriminate between K + and Na + ? The model calculations underline the importance of voltage-independent non-selective cation channels in Na + -uptake and suggest that future research in the field of salt tolerance in plants should include studies on the regulation of this channel type.

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