DOT: Design of a Space-Saving Furniture with Prototype-Driven Innovation Approach

Cities are expanding and at the same time, the size of the houses are shrinking. The 63rd round survey of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) brings to the notice that 32% of urban houses are 258 sq. ft. or less in the area and 39% of rural houses are 312 sq. ft. or less. One segment of the population is compelled to live in small houses and another segment by choice. As a result, tiny house movement has seen innovation in interior design with space-saving technology and modularity approach. This paper illustrates the approach adopted to conceptualise and design a new space-saving and reconfigurable furniture using the design for modularity approach. To achieve a highly efficient space-saving furniture, initially, the shape-shifting phenomena in nature and the manmade world had been studied and analysed. Based on the analysis and understanding, concepts were generated and scaled models were prototyped. Instead of specification-driven innovation, the innovation process adopted in this paper is ‘Prototype-Driven Innovation’. Where a number of prototypes of various concepts were made to check the feasibility of the concepts. The final concept was selected based on concept selection matrix. This paper contributes to the innovation culture of tiny house movement by designing space-saving furniture.