에너지다소비건물의 에너지사용특성 분석에 관한 연구

Characterizing building energy consumption at the level of nationwide per building type is mandatory data-base for developing building energy policies, energy efficient technologies, low or zero energy buildings, etc. This DB is also very valuable for developing benchmark building model for detailed building energy simulation and building energy labelling program of Korean government which uses computer simulation tool. However, there is no such a DB that is well organized for building energy management. None the less, Energy Consumption Survey (KEEI, 2012) is the most available DB to obtain energy consumption features of national building stock. The DB only for Large Buildings (defined by government that use over 2,000 TOE per year) is re-defined for building energy labelling program’s EUI definition with some additional analysis such as end-user break-down and monthly energy use. The result shows that high-rise apartment building and university campus are satisfying national building energy labelling program and the others are out of criteria by using over 700 kWh/m2-yr. Relative to the various and vast data base in the Energy Consumption Survey, useful data for characterizing building energy consumption is very limited.