FIESTA-IoT project provides a blueprint experimental infrastructure, software tools, semantic techniques, certification processes and best practices enabling IoT testbed/platforms to interconnect their facility's resources in an interoperable semantic way. FIESTA-IoT project enables the integration of IoT platform's resources, testbeds infrastructure and their associated applications. FIESTA-IoT opens up new opportunities in the development and deployment of experiments using data from IoT testbeds. The FIESTA-IoT infrastructure enables experimenters to use a single EaaS API (i.e. the FIESTA-IoT EaaS API) for executing experiments over multiple IoT federated testbeds in a testbed agnostic way i.e. like accessing a single large scale virtualized testbed. The main goal of the FIESTA-IoT project is to open new horizons in the development and deployment of IoT applications and experiments at a EU (and global) scale, based on the interconnection and interoperability of diverse IoT platforms and testbeds. FIESTA-IoT project's experimental infrastructure provides to the European experimenters in the IoT domain with the unique capability for accessing and sharing IoT semantically annotated datasets in a testbed-agnostic way. FIESTA-IoT enables execution of experiments across multiple IoT testbeds, based on a single API for submitting the experiment and a single set of credentials for the researcher and the portability of IoT experiments across different testbeds and the provision of interoperable standards-based IoT/cloud interfaces over diverse IoT experimental facilities.
Martin Serrano,et al.
Cross-domain interoperability using federated interoperable semantic IoT/Cloud testbeds and applications: The FIESTA-IoT approach
David Gómez,et al.
A Proof-of-Concept for Semantically Interoperable Federation of IoT Experimentation Facilities
Valérie Issarny,et al.
Unified IoT ontology to enable interoperability and federation of testbeds
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).
John Soldatos,et al.
Towards an Interoperability Certification Method for Semantic Federated Experimental IoT Testbeds
Martin Serrano,et al.
Connected Smart Cities: Interoperability with SEG 3.0 for the Internet of Things
2016 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA).
John Soldatos,et al.
Internet of Things Research on Semantic Interoperability to Address Manufacturing Challenges
John Soldatos,et al.
Design principles for utility-driven services and cloud-based computing modelling for the Internet of Things
Int. J. Web Grid Serv..