Investigation and Assessment of Low-Frequency ERW Seam Imperfections by EMAT and CMFL ILI

The occurrence of low-frequency Electric Resistance Welded (LF-ERW) or Electric Flash Welded (EFW) line pipe imperfections has been the root cause of many integrity management initiatives to minimize and mitigate the risk of pipeline failure across the oil & gas pipeline industry. Since their first appearance in the 1920s, defects in or near the LF-ERW and EFW seam repeatedly lead to either hydrostatic test or in-service failures. Where in the past In-Line Inspection (ILI) technologies might have experienced limitations in addressing vintage ERW line pipe defects, modern smart ILI technologies show enhanced capabilities. High resolution Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) and Circumferential Magnetic Flux Leakage (CMFL) ILI technologies have advanced in the recent years enabling more challenging inspections. This paper summarizes the inspection results of 22″ ERW line pipe defects detected and reported by EMAT and CMFL. Correlation of ILI and manual NDE data enables evaluation of current ILI capabilities and improvement of current defect assessment methods.Copyright © 2014 by ASME