The U.S. EPA 2000 Radionuclide Rule established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for uranium of 30 μg/L. Many small community water supplies are struggling to comply with this new regulation. At one such community, direct push (DP) methods were applied to obtain hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) logs and install small diameter wells in a section of alluvial deposits located along the Platte River. This work was conducted to evaluate potential sources of elevated uranium in the Clarks, Nebraska drinking water supply. HPT logs were used to understand the hydrostratigraphy of a portion of the aquifer and guide placement of small diameter wells at selected depth intervals. Low-flow sampling of the wells provided water quality parameters and samples for analysis to study the distribution of uranium and variations in aquifer chemistry. Contrary to expectations, the aquifer chemistry revealed that uranium was being mobilized under anoxic and reducing conditions. Review of the test well and new public water supply well construction details revealed that filter packs extended significantly above the screened intervals of the wells. These filter packs were providing a conduit for the movement of groundwater with elevated concentrations of uranium into the supply wells and the community drinking water supply. The methods applied and lessons learned here may be useful for the assessment of unconsolidated aquifers for uranium, arsenic, and many other drinking water supply contaminants.
R. Burchett.
Geologic Bedrock Map of Nebraska
James J. Butler,et al.
Direct‐Push Electrical Conductivity Logging for High‐Resolution Hydrostratigraphic Characterization
W. J. Deutsch.
Groundwater Geochemistry: Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination
J. Gierke,et al.
Controls on Spatial Variability of Uranium in Sandstone Aquifers
Konrad B. Krauskopf,et al.
Introduction to geochemistry
J. Parnell.
Shallow ground-water quality in the Platte River Valley alluvium, Nebraska, October-November 1997
David M. Nielsen,et al.
Use of Direct-Push Technologies in Environmental Site Characterization and Ground-Water Monitoring
Sharon L. Qi,et al.
Water quality in the South Platte River basin, Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming, 1992-95
Eoin L. Brodie,et al.
Reoxidation of bioreduced uranium under reducing conditions.
Environmental science & technology.
Evaluation of a small mechanical and pneumatic bladder pump for water quality sampling
Eoin L. Brodie,et al.
Effects of organic carbon supply rates on uranium mobility in a previously bioreduced contaminated sediment.
Environmental science & technology.