From Malthus' Stagnation to Sustained Growth: Social, Demographic and Economic Factors
Demographic Dynamics and Economic Changes in Europe before the 19th Century B.Chiarini & P.Malanima Unified Growth Theory and Comparative Development O.Galor Population Dynamics, Malthusian Crises and Boserupian Innovation in Pre-Industrial Societies G.Alfani Energy and Economic Growth in Europe S.Bartoletto The Path Towards the Modern Economy P.Malanima Accounting for Child Mortality in the Pre-Industrial European Economy B.Chiarini & M.Giannini A Basic Model of Take-Off and Fertility Choices in the Economic Development Process E.Bucciarelli & G.Giulioni Population, Earth Carrying Capacity and Economic Growth G.Scarano The Post-Malthusian Moment: Some Responses to Population Explosion in Britain c.1840 P.Bouche