고온부 냉각을 위한 스월챔버내의 유동 및 열전달 해석

All modem, aerospace gas turbines must operate with hot stage gas temperature several hundreds of degrees hotter than the melting temperatures of the materials used in their construction, Complicated cooling schemes need to be employed in the combustor walls and in the high pressure turbine stages. Internal passages are cast or machined into the hot sections of aero-gas turbine engines and air from the compressor is used for cooling. In many cases, the cooling system is engineered to utilize jets of high velocity air, which impinge on the internal surfaces of the components. They are divided by Impinging cooling method and Vortex cooling method. Specially, Research of new cooling system(Vortex cooling method) that overcome inefficiency of film cooling and limitation of space. The focus of new cooling system that improve greatly cooling efficiency using quantity's cooling air which is less is set in surface heat transfer elevation. Therefore, In this study, the numerical analysis have been performed for characteristic of flow and thermal in the swirl chamber and compared with the flow field measurement by LDV. especially, for understanding of high heat transfer efficiency in vicinity of wall. we considered flow structure and mechanism of vortex and heat transfer characteristic in variation of Reynolds number.