Animals in Motion

Eadweard Muybridge. Animals in Motion. Edited by Lewis S. Brown. Dover Publications, Inc., New York. 440 pp., 183 pI. + 21 figs. and 24 other illus. November 10, 1957. Price, $10.00. In San Francisco there was revived, in the spring of 1872, an ancient controversy concerning animal locomotion. Leland Stanford, the railroad tycoon, wagered $25,000 that a trotting horse, at some portion of its stride, had all four feet free from the ground. To settle the dispute a brilliant young photographer, Eadweard Muybridge, was commissioned to make a series of high-speed photographs. The results not only settled the argument in favor of Stanford but led to the publication, in 1887, of the 11-volume Animal Locomotion. This work, a landmark …