자동차 도장공장에서의 양압화설비의 성능개선 방안에 관한 연구
The objective of the study is to identify strategies for improving positive pressurization performance of automobile factories. The painting shop of automobile factories requires positive pressure ventilation in order to prevent painted bodies from contamination. The study examined the factors affecting air flow patterns of the factory, and performed field measurements. Afterwards, computer simulations using CFD program were conducted to investigate air flow distribution, outdoor air flow, and contaminants diffusion. It was found that positive pressurization was not secured due to excessive outdoor air inflow through openings, high infiltration, and updraft from high temperature of oven surfaces. It was concluded that, to improve the situation, reduction of the sizes of openings, installation of insulation over oven surfaces, and strengthening of airtightness of factory building should be considered.