Theoretical analyses on Romance languages : selected papers from the 26th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XXVI), Mexico City, 28-30 March 1996

1. Preface 2. Genitives in Aromanian dialects (by Androutsopoulou, Antonia) 3. On optionality in the Minimalist Program and Old French word order (by Arteaga, Deborah) 4. Interactions between pragmatic and syntactic knowledge in the first language acquisition of Spanish null and overt pronominals (by Austin, Jennifer R.) 5. The myth of equivalence: Where two lights do not make a long (by Bullock, Barbara E.) 6. Some remarks on the Latin case system and its development in Romance (by Calabrese, Andrea) 7. The Wh-Feature and the syntax of restrictive and non-restrictive relatives in French and English (by Canac Marquis, Rejean) 8. A constraint-based approach to Spanish spirantization (by Carreira, Maria M.) 9. A syntactic account of perfective and possessive verb selection in Romance languages (by Castillo, Juan Carlos) 10. Two types of predicate modification: Evidence from the articulated adjectives of Romanian (by Dumitrescu, Domnita) 11. Alignment and sonority in the syllable structure of Late Latin and Gallo-Romance (by Gess, Randall) 12. Locative and temporal weak proforms (by Gutierrez-Rexach, Javier) 13. Optimalizing Iberian clitic sequences (by Heap, David) 14. The development of proclitics and enclitics in Middle French (by Johnson, Ken) 15. Licensing and identification of null categories in Spanish non-native grammars (by Liceras, Juana M.) 16. On the spelling distinction b vs. u/v and the status of spirantization in Old Spanish (by Martinez-Gil, Fernando) 17. PPs without Ps in spoken Rioplatense Spanish (by Ocampo, Francisco) 18. The inversion construction in interrogatives in Spanish and Catalan (by Ordonez, Francisco) 19. Scalar effects in Italian metaphony (by Zetterstrand, Sylvia) 20. Index of Authors 21. Index of Terms & Concepts 22. Index of Languages & Language Families