Information Security

Advanced cryptographic protocols such as anonymous credentials, voting schemes, and e-cash are typically constructed by suitably combining signature, commitment, and encryption schemes with zero-knowledge proofs. Indeed, a large body of protocols have been constructed in that manner from Camenisch-Lysyanskaya signatures and generalized Schnorr proofs. In this paper, we build a similar framework for lattice-based schemes by presenting a signature and commitment scheme that are compatible with Lyubashevsky’s Fiat-Shamir proofs with abort, currently the most efficient zero-knowledge proofs for lattices. The latter proofs provide a weaker, relaxed form of soundness, i.e., the witnesses that the knowledge extractor can obtain are guaranteed to lie only in a domain that is larger than the one from which the inputs of honest provers need to come. To cope with this soundness problem, we define corresponding notions of relaxed signature and commitment schemes. We demonstrate the flexibility and efficiency of our new primitives by constructing a new lattice-based anonymous attribute token scheme and providing concrete parameters to securely instantiate this scheme.

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