[연구논문]MOW의 산소-알칼리 첨가 과산화수소 표백

To produce the raw material used for printing and writing paper or high quality tissue, MOWs that were consisted of white ledger, colored ledger and old newspaper were bleached with EoP and EoPY(FAS) method, the EoP bleaching process gave the improvement in brightness and a high color removal efficiency. Especially, MOW B(initial brightness: 59.1% ISO) that contained much old newspaper showed the higher bleaching efficiency than those of MOW A(initial brightness: 68.3%). After EoPY(FAS) bleaching, MOW`s brghtness was increased from 68.3% ISO to 84.3~84.0% ISO, and from 59.1% ISO to 78.7~79.2% ISO, respectively. Also the tensile and burst index of bleached pulps decreased by 10~30%. The tear index slightly decreased or halted at the same range as unbleached pulps.