Retrofit of Stone Masonry Buildings in Greece. I. Damage Patterns and Preventive Retrofit/Repair Measures

This paper concerns the retrofit of seismic retrofit of stone masonry buildings in Greece. Unlike the study of historic buildings, which is in most cases done for masonry buildings since reinforced concrete is not considered historical enough, for benefit-costs studies of seismic retrofit more studies were conducted for reinforced concrete buildings, as these are more common. First seismic retrofit measures for common masonry buildings are presented, using steel and reinforced concrete. The focus lays in division of seismic retrofit measures in singular steps and to organize them in order to make possible the determination of the individual costs of the partial works. The measures are divided into preventive measures on undamaged buildings and repair measures on damaged buildings. The measures are compared to those used in the practice of monumental buildings, considering two buildings in Athens, where concrete and FRP were employed. These buildings belong to a wider stylistic European movement of the 19th century Neoclassicism, as foreign architects settled to Greece that time.