Effect of Substitution ION Titanium and Mangan on the Microstructure , Magnet Properties and Microwave Absorption of Barium Hexaferrite with Milling and High-Pressure Ultrasonic Method

In this research, We report the magnetic properties of BaFe12O19 (BHF) as a based material by substitution of (TiMn) ions, in the composition of x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8, to determine magnetically and microwave absorption effects on BHF materials. The material preparation was made by milling and high-pressure ultrasonic method. By PSA and XRD analysis, we obtained the particle size of 200-400 nm and the crystal size of < 70 nm. To reduce BHF particle size, the material was being remilling into 4 hours and after being in a state of powder crystal, followed by sonication process into 6 hours. We obtained the particle size in the composition of x = 0.0 was in the range of 49.21 nm and in the composition of x = 0.6 and x = 0.8 was in the range of 120.2 nm to 209.5 nm. The morphology of the microstructure of the material particles is shown in the SEM results, was in range 200-500 nm. The magnetic properties of the material were analyzed by using Permagraph EP 3 magnetometer. Data obtained by the analysis showing that by increasing the value of the composition of a substitution impaired the coercivity (282,54 kA/m to 9,81 kA/m). The reduction of particle size from 200 to 50 nm through sonication, give the change of magnetic properties from the permanent magnet to soft magnet, which characterized by decreasing the value of coercivity with increasing substitution composition. The properties also have the effect on the absorption of microwaves that the absorption peaks are shifted to a lower frequency as a result of a decrease in coercivity and reduction in particle size. Index Term-BHF, substitution, crystal size, nanoparticle, absorption.