스마트기기 환경에서의 영어 읽기전략 사용 분석
This study examined Korean EFL students` strategy use for reading in English by using smart tools such as smartphones or tablet PCs. In addition, the research investigated whether there are differences in strategy use depending on academic field, self-perceived English reading proficiency, and gender. The participants of this study were 160 students from two different universities. Participants` academic fields were classified into two: Humanities and Social Science vs. Engineering. The results showed that (1) overall, students used problem-solving strategies most, followed by global and support reading strategies; (2) students in Humanities and Social Science showed more frequent reading strategy use than students in Engineering; and (3) proficient readers showed more frequent strategy use than less-proficient readers. Pedagogical implications for strategy-based instruction were suggested. (Geumgang University)