Jennifer Hegenauer was introduced to everyone present. She has graciously agreed to replace Leroy Wright as co-chair of Criterion 5 Committee.

Sandy Balkema is working on the Criterion 5 draft. This chapter draft will be reviewed during the summer term. The president will receive a copy of the draft of the self-study to review in May. Sandy also plans to prepare an executive summary of the self-study. After additional listening sessions are completed in early fall, Sandy will prepare a “reflections” of the self-study that will include updated information. During fall semester we will hold open sessions both on and off campus to review and gather input regarding the self-study. The committee discussed the advantage of holding separate sessions for faculty, students, etc. They believe the communication will be more open if the groups have their own information session. The Executive Summary will be distributed, and the entire self-study report will be available for review online. It was suggested that the committee prepare a short list of talking points by group, i.e., faculty, students, and staff. This information could give people general points of what is occurring with the self-study. We also need to remember to include emeriti and alumni in the communication regarding the self-study. It was suggested we get a copy of the powerpoint that was presented to the presidents at the 125 Celebration Breakfast. We believe this could be part of the evidence and supporting documentation of the relationship between Big Rapids community and Ferris State University. Robbie Teahen will convene the Communication Committee after the end of Spring Semester. The committee discussed several ideas on communicating to the campus community the selfstudy and the importance of the self study for the Higher Learning Commission. The Meetings this summer will be held the third Wednesday of the month. These dates are May 19, June 16, July 21, and August 18. All meetings will be scheduled from 9:00 to 11:00 am. The meeting invitation will be sent to the Steering Committee. Cheryl Cluchey will recommend dates for the off campus site information sessions. Robbie Teahen distributed copies of Identifying Key Strengths/Weaknesses of the University as was received from the Academic Senate. The group reviewed the comments of the group. She hopes to survey other groups with this chart, and include their responses with this document.