Exploitation of the Reverberant Propagation of Elastic Waves in Structures: Towards a Concept of Low-resource SHM Sensor Network☆

Abstract Actual implementation of an efficient SHM system is necessarily hampered by the constraints of power-consumption and intrusive- ness (weight, size, in-service integration) of sensors. In the field of ultrasound-based SHM, conventional methods rely on relatively powerful acoustic sources synchronized with the sensors, and exploit only the first propagated (ballistic) wavepackets. The aim of this paper is to present possible techniques to exploit the whole complexity of reverberation signals, in order to extract the maxi- mum information from limited hardware, software, or power resources. A first aspect is the extraction of statistical properties of the codas of multiply-reflected signals, which can be used to estimate structural properties from a small number of sensors. In this technique, the required signal processing is relatively light and synchronization between the acquisition channels is not necessary. A second aspect is concerned with the possibility of using ambient acoustic sources, naturally present for example in transportation applications, instead of artificial power-consuming ultrasound sources.