교육콘텐츠 오픈마켓 환경에서 수학콘텐츠 이용에 관한 연구

In January, 2012, the Government announced to prepare the measure to establish the cloud computing based digital educational contents open market. Through this open market, a platform will be established to allow anyone to register or download digital educational contents in any educational institutions. This means a kind of educational contents database will be built. This study aims to draw functions required for effective and efficient uses of contents necessary for teachers’ uses during school classes or after school classes in the educational contents open market established by the Government. The subjects focused to the mathematics contents having very critical connections in teachings are processed for the research. And teachers of Secondary Education Institutions providing educational services are selected as main users. To conduct the research, the user survey is conducted to mathematics teachers and institution lecturers and the analysis is conduced with the result based on the UX aspect. After making the persona for each behavior pattern and functions fit to the open market use are classified. In the future, after investigating students, a research on contents connecting between teachers and students through the contents activity required in the student perspective are required.