CycloidGrid: A proximity-aware P2P-based resource discovery architecture in volunteer computing systems

Volunteer computing which benefits from idle cycles of volunteer resources over the Internet can integrate the power of hundreds to thousands of resources to achieve high computing power. In such an environment the resources are heterogeneous in terms of CPU speed, RAM, disk capacity, and network bandwidth. So finding a suitable resource to run a particular job becomes difficult. Resource discovery architecture is a key factor for overall performance of peer-to-peer based volunteer computing systems. The main contribution of this paper is to develop a proximity-aware resource discovery architecture for peer-to-peer based volunteer computing systems. The proposed resource discovery algorithm consists of two stages. In the first stage, it selects resources based on the requested quality of service and current load of peers. In the second stage, a resource with higher priority to communication delay is selected among the discovered resources. Communication delay between two peers is computed by a network model based on queuing theory, taking into account the background traffic of the Internet. Simulation results show that the proposed resource discovery algorithm improves the response time of user's requests by a factor of 4.04 under a moderate load.

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